Hello there! Blogger still playing up I'm afraid. I've sent 10 e-mails now to Google. I think that there's a bottomless pit that they have and that's where my e-mails have been thrown into!
Some of you have sent me e-mails or commented on a post saying that you can't seem to connect to me via Bloglovin' - I have to sound completely stupid and ignorant now (not for the first time, I hear the OH shout) but what is Bloglovin'? Is it related to Facebook? I'm not signed up to Facebook nor Twitter, I just don't think they're the thing for me. So, I'll just have to struggle on here :(
On Friday I had arranged to meet up with two fellow students on my Photography Course and we went to Winkworth Arboretum in search of bluebells!
It was only when I got home and looked at this photo on the computer that I noticed the daddylonglegs!
There were literally millions and millions of bluebells. They are stunning to look but really hard to capture on camera so as to do them justice.
I thought that this tree trunk looked like a face - the hollow circle to the left is like an eye. Can you see what I mean?
I will just let the photos do the talking.
We walked down to the boat shed.
We did the Azalea Walk.

A good day out with like minded souls. This weeks Photography Course was class based and all about Photoshop. I know zilch about Photoshop and so I sat there like a bloomin' idiot for most of the lesson. The others on the course had tried Photoshop and were far more knowledgeable than me :( It was all about you can "lasso" this and TIFF that - I was all at sea!
Next week is going to be much of the same! Every one else will have been practising. The tutor told me to download a 30 day Trial of Photoshop Elements. I did try this before but got so confused I couldn't even open the darn thing up! I don't know whether you can download another free Trial - only one way to find out I suppose! You probably get the gist that I don't get along with technology nor does technology get along with me - as demonstrated by the Blogger problem! I can't believe that the Blogger issue has gone on for more than two months but alas, it has :(
Anyhow, I have two more posts to do about what we got up to at the weekend - On Saturday we visited Hinton Ampner and walked around the garden in the pouring rain and on Sunday we went to Farley Mount with the dogs where we went one better and had a picnic in the pouring rain - it was quite refreshing!
Until next time,
You have captured the bluebells beautifully. I am hoping to visit a bluebell wood soon, if only the weather would do its bit too, and be nice!!! Love the last photo with the wreath of lichen around the blossom.
ReplyDeleteThe reason that we are all joining Bloglovin is because Google Reader, which I have always used, is closing its doors on the 1st July and I do want to be able to connect and see easily the people that I follow otherwise I would not have joined Bloglovin. It is nothing to do with FB or twitter but has been developed by a group of Swedish youngsters to help bloggers follow their favourite blogs. That is all there is to it - no commitment/cost/ or anything else involved.
However, I have mentioned before that when I tried to add your blog to Bloglovin it said that you it didn't exist!!! - therein I believe lies the problem -something has gone astray in the works with your blog catsdogsandeiderdowns.
Wish I could help you.
It must be so frustrating that you are still have such issues with blogger and so many are missing out on reading your posts and seeing all your brilliant pictures. I have gone with Feedly rather than Bloglovin as it doesn't have the adverts and daily emails like Bloglovin. Unfortunately your posts aren't updating on here either.
ReplyDeleteI always find it so difficult to capture the blue bells well they never look as wonderful as in the flesh. The colours always look washed out, the colour of your pictures are just what I am trying to achieve!
Sarah x
I think you captured the bluebells perfectly and yes I can see the face too!
ReplyDeleteLisa x
I'm just the same with technology, I don't understand most of it. How lovely to meet up with other keen photographers at a place of such beauty with lots of wonderful things to capture with your cameras. I don't think I'd have got in so close if I'd have known a Daddy Long Legs was lurking though.
ReplyDeleteYour photos are beautiful and I enjoyed looking through every single one of them.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame you're still having problems with Blogger, I wonder why they're taking so long to fix it as presumably they'd know what needs doing to sort the problem.
Love the boathouse ! Good to see a Do not pick the flowers sign - I hate to see people picking bluebells ( they never last & wilt quickly - just enjoy them where they belong ! )
ReplyDeleteI don't understand the workings of Blogger but sorry you are having trouble. I just have several Blogs I visit and they visit me. Sometimes a new commenter pops up & I will pop over. Sometimes I click on a name I like on a Blog sidebar to see what it's like.
What beautiful photos! It is hard to capture the exquisite fleeting blueness of bluebells but you have captured some wondeful images. I can see a sort of 'caved in' face in the tree trunk. It looks as if you had a lovely day with your other course members. I feel for you about photoshop, my husband uses it and has tried to show me several times but I just get confused and carry on using picasa. I've no idea what bloglovin is either! It is a shame that google haven't sorted out your problem yet, I've noticed that a couple of blogs I follow sometimes show in my reader list with new posts and sometimes they don't and last week a couple of blogs I've followed for ages vanished off there for a while. I hope you get it sorted soon:)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous, gorgeous bluebells!
ReplyDeleteI do hope Google are going to sit up and pay attention soon.
More beautiful photos - you don't need Photoshop! I'm supposed to be going to Winkworth Arboretum tomorrow afternoon with U3A photography group - hope the rain stays away.