Saturday 4 August 2012

We Enjoy the Garden ...

Hi there! Thank you for your comments on my last post! I entered a giveaway over at and couldn't believe it when I won! The goodies arrived with the postman this morning. I will show you the wonderful things which I received in another post.
Thank you Caroline!

In the meantime, a quick demonstration as to how to twirl yourself round and round so that you're almost dizzy and fall over and how a photographer can almost make one of your legs disappear!

A demonstration as to how a photographer can make your missing leg re-appear but make your arm look a peculiar mist of silveriness!

At our base in Devon we have a small garden at the back with no grass which is easy to manage or so I thought until I saw it last week. It had grown so much with all the rain but not in a good way. The rose on the pergola had dropped its petals on the brickwork and the flowers had gone stir crazy - there was hardly any room to walk between the plants and even stinging nettles were growing in the borders.

Drastic action was required so every night after we'd been out for the day I spent an hour or two in the back garden tidying up. I found it quite therapeutic and being only a small patch things began to look better pretty quickly which galvanized me to continue.

Everything looked green. There wasn't much in the way of colour - apart from the buddleia.

And this flower the name of it is on the tip of my tongue but has now escaped me - can a Blogger out there help me?

Do you spot a bit of colour that has been added to the garden? The blue enamel kettle arrived home with us from our trip to Bridport on Saturday.

"What is that blue thing, it wasn't there yesterday!"

We were sat at the table on the patio sipping away at our tea and demolishing a slice of chocolate cake.
George is very good at begging for some!

Playing with a bubble sword in the front garden.

The back garden. I wish now that I had taken a before and after shot.

Playing with bubbles.

Until next time,



  1. Your garden still looks lovely to me.The blue kettle is fantastic and a brilliant addition!

  2. Who doesn't love
    1)playing with bubbles
    2)eating chocolate cake and
    3)blue enamel kettles!
    Lovely photos.
    Lisa x

  3. Great bubble pics. I often wish I'd taken a before shot once I see how the after is, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Your little patch of garden looks pretty. We've just had some chocolate cake too, un-iced but still yummy...

  4. I agree that everything green seems to have gone mad this year - we have nettles much taller than I am on the other side of our fence along with massive brambles. I have noticed that buddleia and hydrangeas seem to have enjoyed the cooler wet weather too. It must be hard to keep on top of your garden if you only visit rather than live there all the time too!

  5. I love your blue enamel kettle and your garden. The lovely pink flower I think is a double japanese anemone.
    Sarah x

  6. My graden is just absolutely untamed right now. You did a great job at yours.
    Love all your pictures. Specially the blue teapot, George asking for cake (CUTE!) and your daughter making bubbles. I love bubbles too. :)

  7. I love your flower, and I see that Sarah from Down by the sea has named it.. A japanese anemone.. its beautiful.
    I would love some of those in my garden.
    Your blue kettle adds a nice touch to your garden.
    your daughter is beautiful and happily blowing bubbles.
    happy weekend

  8. Hey June, what a great find that kettle it...matches KP's top perfectly and George certainly looks a bit bewildered, hehe........

    Weeding can be quite therapeutic and I find it very satisfying when you look at the results of your labours.....
    Those bubble are amazing, certainly looks like a lot of fun making them.....

    CLaire :}


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