Saturday 7 July 2012

The Start of July and It Feels Like Mid-Winter ...

Hello there fellow Bloggers! Thanks ever so much for the comments on my last post.

Well, the past week the rain came down, down, down and still it kept on raining as a consequence Sports Day was cancelled and has been re-scheduled for this coming Monday. I suspect that it will be cancelled again - forever the optimist, that's me!

It has rained continuously throughout the day - sometimes heavy rainfall and sometimes just a drizzle and they call this Summer!

A few days ago we had a skip delivered as the inside of our garage had become a complete tip! Many old pots of paint, general rubbish and a great deal of untidiness.
The OH has been in there all day - chucking unwanted items into the skip and organising what is to be kept so that in future we can easily find things!
Apparently, we have three sprinklers. I asked the OH why, "Oh, if I couldn't find a sprinkler I bought another one!" "What a waste!" I said. "Yes, especially as there's a hosepipe ban and I can't use them!"
"But you wouldn't want to use any of them with all this rain!" I said.
"Oh, did I tell you I also found an unopened box containing a paddling pool!" said the OH.
"Well, we certainly have no need for that at the moment!" I said.

In addition to the three sprinklers and the paddling pool we had three mice nests! Nice!!! 

The plan is to keep the garage tidy once we've got rid of 16 years worth of junk and to keep everything in its designated place so that we don't end up with more than one of the same thing! That's the plan anyway.

As the OH was busy outside I took some photos of the rabbit toys in KP's bedroom!

In the spare bedroom I came across Archie - having a cat nap!

I went and got some ribbon and had 5 - 10 minutes of fun.

I am interested, don't take it away!

If you do, I'll grab it and claw it back!

O.K. you win!

Stop teasing me!

On Friday it was Prize giving day at KP's school.
This was the conversation on Friday morning before school.
"Mum, don't be disappointed I haven't got a prize for anything this year."
Me - "It doesn't matter, I know you worked hard and not everyone can get a prize. How do you know you haven't got a prize?"
"Because I've been told that I have to sit on the back row during the Prize giving and it's only those in the front row that get a prize!"

Well, she was wrong - she won the Drama Prize and received some light reading material - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare!

After the Prize giving there is usually an invite for the parents to join the children for a picnic.
Due to the heavy rain this had to take place in the School Hall.
This however did not dampen (no pun intended) the children's spirits and a good time was had by all!

Tomorrow is, of course, sorted - we will be sat in front of the TV watching the tennis!

Until next time,


P.S. "Hello" to two new followers Lucia and Nick Cunningham.


  1. Well done KP!
    We've had enough of the rain here in Dorset too.

  2. Well done to your daughter!
    Archie is so cute! I wish my cat were more of a house cat so I could take more pictures of her.
    I just got enough of all this rain. Are we ever going to have some summer this year?

  3. Well done that was a surprise thinking you wouldn't get one!
    I'm fed up with this rain - there can't be much more to come down can there?
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  4. Hey June, how proud were you? Not surprised KP won the Drama prize, I imagine she was very excited.
    Well done on cleaning out the garage.......such a big job, but once it's done it will be much easier to keep tidy.
    We have a hooouge shed it's called the SMB shed (Secret Men's Business goes on in there, hehe) It's a scary place to visit, so much 'stuff' but it need a good clean out........eek!!

    Archie is just gorgeous. Have a great week and I hope the sun shows its face.

    Claire :}

  5. Well done to your daughter on her prize winning. Archie looks so sweet!
    Is a trip to IKEA on the cards to purchase lots of lovely storage for the garage? I do like the look of their garages in the catalogue!
    Enjoy the tennis.
    Lisa x

  6. Congratulations to your daughter!
    I agree with everything you said completely about the rain! Will it ever end? Its something to do with the Gulf stream being lower down this year than it usually is, and with it comes the rain. I just wish it would go now!
    Your garage clear out sounds as if it was really hard work, we moved house two and a half years ago and that was the best time to have a clear out, ours is still fairly clear for a change!!

  7. Your getting all of our rain - we are in the drought in the states. It had not rained for 28 days and we got one storm which was greatly needed to put out the fire on the mountain. It takes real talent to take photos of any animal especially a cat - great job!

  8. What a lovely post and especially the final shot! Ribbons for play... bring them on (my boys would love you for it!). Thank you for visiting, love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  9. As I write, I'm watching the tennis ! A paddling pool & three sprinklers - had to smile at that !
    Archie looks so contented there on the bed. Well done to your daughter - some light holiday reading ?

  10. Congratulations to KP on winning the drama prize. I think Archie had the right idea on such a wet and miserable day, the pictures of him are wonderful!
    Sarah x

  11. I just want to snuggle up with that cute bunny on that gorgeous quilt. I also keep wanting to turn my heating on. FED UP OF RAIN! x

  12. Just read that there won't be any sign of the sun for the next ten days! Makes you want to pack your bags and emigrate.
    Archie is such a beautiful cat.Looks much too cosy to get up and chase that ribbon! Congrats to your daughter,you must be very proud of her. :0)

  13. Hi, thanks for your lovely comments over on my blog. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in a garrage. We have recently moved to a new house with no garage - it took us so long to sort everything out. Well done to your daughter for winning a prize. x

  14. Many congratulations to KP on winning the Drama Prize, though I'm not surprised, she certainly looked the part in the school play. I bet you're as proud as punch and so you should be. We don't have a garage, we had it knocked down to make room to build an extension on the house, so all our rubbish gets put in the shed now, though it's nowhere near as big as a garage so it does make us keep up to tidying it out. What a handsome boy Archie is, so photogenic.

  15. You must be so proud - both of you and look at that kitty cat - such a gorgeous fella.

    Nina x

  16. Your comment at mine made me smile. Tell the disgruntled neighbour that she has your full permission to squirt water at the offending cat ( empty bottles of washing up liquid work well ! )
    Just look at her face after that !

  17. Well done on the great 'sort out'. I had a blitz of our upstairs at the weekend and ended up with 3 bags of rubbish, 2 bags for the charity shop and one for the car boot pile, plus a full hoover drum!
    Well done to your daughter too.
    Love your beautiful cat. I love spending 10 mins playing with my old girl - occasionally she is just like a kitten again - so sweet.
    M x

  18. Well KP done with the prize! And Archie is gorgeous. Juliex


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