Tuesday 15 February 2011


We were in Whitehall Place - I'm stating the obvious here!

We walked past another memorial.

We carried on down Whitehall.

We saw some statues.

We saw another memorial - dedicated to the women of the Second World War.

We went past the Cenotaph.

We headed back towards Big Ben.

We walked round Parliament Square.

We walked past the banners of the peaceful protesters.

Horrifying statistics.

And we were then almost back to where we had started our hours walk. Having taken in the sights around Westminster we made off to our primary destination - The Imperial War Museum. A very interesting and thought provoking place. More on that tomorrow.

I am typing this and am exhausted having got home at 1.30 a.m. Running your own business sometimes involves many long hours. I had felt refreshed from our week-end away but after last night I now feel in need of another break!

Until next time.



  1. How funny - if I had not been feeling so poorly we would have been at the Imperial War Museum too on Saturday! We really wanted to get to see the new exhibition there - hope you enjoyed it. Fingers crossed for us for next weekend...

  2. It was the "Once Upon A Wartime" exhibition that we wanted to see, it does sound very good. It;s such a good museum isn't it. we went to see the Ministry of Food exhibition there last year http://raggedroses.blogspot.com/2010/02/digging-for-victory.html
    Looking forward to going again and to read your account of it.

  3. The women's memorial is interesting--What a neat design on that one. I've always wanted to visit England. Someday! 'Just found your blog (via Posy's), and I'll be back. :)

    Best Wishes, Val


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